Re: 偏頭痛

Hi Satoshi,
Yes, I do remember! I was confused with your name, but now that I see the
picture, it's clear.
That visit I made to Japan in April last year was pretty hectic. I was all
the time sleeping little and with jet lag.
That night when we met I was with three friends, and we already had a lot to
drink, so my memory next morning wasn't so good. But we had a lot of fun,
drinking more, and singing karaoke, and meeting people.
I was back to Japan last year two more times: in September, and then again
November. This year I still do not have plans to travel there. I wish I
could spend more time there. I love the country, the people, the food,
Let's try to keep in touch. I'd send you a message if I plan to visit again.
Best regards,

